The International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia is also known by its acronym, IDAHO.
The origin of this day lies in the deletion of homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1990. It means that sexual minorities have no reason to be subjected to discrimination and hate and that their human rights, too, must be respected. As such, the day signifies the fight against homophobia and transphobia, which are illogical and unjust hatred of LGBT people, in a language easily comprehensible to everyone.
Since 2005, people in countries including France and Canada have observed the IDAHO and taken action to expose and to eradicate hate against sexual minorities that still exists in society. Likewise, the Korean Gay Men’s Human Rights Group Chingusai has engaged in activities including cyber demonstrations, street performances, parades, banner hanging, choral projects, and flash mobs since 2007 in commemoration of the day.

Not having memories of life we’ve lived is like not having a name.
Homophobia makes our existence less than natural. We suffer while figuring out the origins of our existence. Hence, we are about to chase footsteps of our past
What we remember could be
the moment that someone told us “boys/girls should be boys/girls,” or it would be the moment that we couldn’t confess that strong attraction toward that boy or girl of same sex. We tried hard to suppress our differences. Looking back, however, it was the innocent childhood stories of all sexual minorities. Now, we present you with our stories, ourselves that we could never tell anyone before.
2014. 5. 17 IDAHO Project Team
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친구사이 아이다호 프로젝트 Staff
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온라인 전시 진행 디오, 민
홍보 왁킹, 기로로
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번역 나미푸, 데미지
지원 친구사이 사무국
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Welcome to the Korean Gay Men’s Human Rights Group Chingusai (“Between Friends”), which was founded in February 1994. As a successor of Chodong-hoe, the first homosexual activist group ever to be organized in the country (1993), it is one of the oldest sexual minority rights organizations throughout the nation.
Chingusai is actively, proudly, and happily progressing toward the liberation of sexual minorities. We welcome everyone’s interest, support, and participation for the continued development of Chingusai.
Chingusai endeavors to correct society's distorted view of homosexuals and other sexual minorities
Chingusai actively maintains close relations, exchanges data, and collaborates with LGBT activist groups both at home and abroad.
Together, we engage in a variety of activities including the announcement of joint statements and press releases, participation in mass assemblies, and involvement in litigations.
Chingusai operates an Internet homepage.